2020 Recap

What a year. Besides the global pandemic, I’ve learned quite a lot this year:

  • Improve my Rails confident. I love ruby syntax for clarity, but this year I’ve learn so many rails magic: scopes, migrations, better performance sql injections, activerecord relationships, mocha, etc…I should give a try to python/django but as much I feel more confident with Rails, it’s harder give it a try.
  • Some JavaScript syntax. I’ve done few courses but the one I recommend is ES6 for everyone
  • Some knowledge of Reactjs and Hooks. I like it, but I need to find some side project to play with, but first I need to finish Epic react course. By far, it’s the most interactive and extended course I’ve done this year.
  • Lose the fear of mixing programming languages in the same project, and learn each one has its scope. Mixing Rails with Reactjs is the perfect example of it.
  • React Native is fun!! I’ve been playing with it and create a small game using Expo
  • Take notes is hard but key for learning well. I’m using the Zettelkasten method for it to create connected notes. It would help me develop new ideas and write better blog entries 😏
  • Soft skills are as important as programming skills. Treat yours teammates as you want to be treated, that’s a good logic.