Hits to remember when doing a git rebase commands


Get last n commits in oneline:

git log -n 10 --oneline | bat


Locate your last good commit and use it for rebase:


❯ git log -n 10 --oneline | bat
       │ STDIN
   1   │ 90ab7be Merge branch 'add-hydro' into add-hydro-backtrace-new-event
   2   │ af9751f fix MemorySink 😅
   3   │ 53f82c2 code refactor
   4   │ 09160f9 update protobuf gem
   5   │ dec9378 add schema into events
   6   │ 0b34308 add hydro client gem <-- I'm good bellow it
   7   │ e404882 script for getting the hydro client gem
   8   │ 4e0c998 add hydro event in backtrace new
   9   │ e40b04c add hydro schema
  10   │ ad1bdce extract new backtrace hydro event

Rebase the code using :point_up: commit:

git rebase -i 0b34308

Hits during the rebase:

  • First commit cannot be a squash
  • Next: Shitf + Z + Z