Rails - render vs redirect_to

How to return and redirect from the controller to the view:

# ruby controller
def boomtown
  # return json
  render json: {key: "value"}

  # return plain text
  render plain: "Response using plain text"

  # redirect_to
  redirect_to action_name_resource_path #important to mention the path

  # render specific view
  render :index

  # by default it search the view with the same name as the controller. Eg:
  # render :boomtown


  • render

It takes the global params defined in the controller @parameter_whatever

  • redirect_to

We can pass parameters but they will visible as url parameters:

redirect_to action_name_resource_path(resource_object, param_1: 'value_1', param_2: 'value_2')

From ruby on rails documentation