React - useReducer hook


What is the useReducer hook?

The UseReducer hook is a special function which enables one use state and other react features without writing ES6 class components. It is a function which can be used instead of useState if one is dealing with complicated state logic.

What arguments are passed to useReducer hook?

` const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initArg, init);`

  • reducer: Is a function usually referred to as reducer. reducer takes two parameters: state and action.
    • state the current state.
    • action is used for specifying different ways state should be updated. reducer function takes the form below and it is usually defined before the component.
      function reducer(state, action){
          if( action satisfies some condition){
              // Do something
              // Return new state
          else if (action satisfies another condition) {
            // Do something
            // Return new state
            // Do something
            // Return new state
  • initArg: If the third argument init which is optional is omitted, initArg is set as the initial state otherwise it is passed to init.
  • init (optional): This function is invoked with initArg passed to it as an argument and its return value is used for setting the initial state.
function init(initArg){
  // Do some expensive computation
  // Return a value which is used for setting initial state

How do you invoke dispatch?

 dispatch({action: "add", value: 2})

Passing an object enables you to specify an action as well as pass the data you need for setting/updating state.


import React, { useReducer } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

// define the reducer:
// state is the current state
// action is an object
function reducer(state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "add":
      return state + action.value;
    case "subtract":
      return state - action.value;
      return state;

function App(props) {

  const [count, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, 10);

  function increaseCountHandler(e) {
    dispatch({ type: "add", value: 1 });

  function decreaseCountHandler(e) {
    dispatch({ type: "subtract", value: 1 });

  return (
      <p> {count}</p>
        <button onClick={increaseCountHandler}> + </button>
        <button onClick={decreaseCountHandler}> - </button>

const element = document.getElementById('root');
ReactDOM.render(<App />, element);

Note: state is the current state and the action is an object which is passed to reducer using dispatch.